Napa Open Space District Parks & Trails
The Napa Open Space District manages the day-to-day operations of 10 locations in Napa County with projects located in both urban and rural areas. Almost all of our trails are true multi-use trails designed for all user groups (hikers, cyclists, equestrians, trail runners), and the parks have a wide variety of difficulty levels and ecosystems, making every property unique and letting you find new challenges and experiences every time you go out.
Click on any of the links below for more information on these parks and trails – or take a look at the interactive trail/park map to plan your next outdoor adventure.
Check out the amazing parks and trails of Napa County and Go Outside and Play!
Bale Grist Mill State Historic Park
Berryessa Peak Trail
Berryessa Vista
Bothe-Napa Valley State Park
EcoCamp Berryessa
Moore Creek Park
Napa River and Bay Trail
Napa River Ecological Reserve
Oat Hill Mine Trail 
Robert Louis Stevenson State Park
Suscol Headwaters Preserve
Future Parks & Land Banks