“The springtime race for both full- and half-marathoners begins at the Bothe Valley State Park picnic area, just off Highway 29. From there, the out-and-back course for the 13.1-mile race takes runners westward out along the park trails, including Coyote Peak Trail, South Fork Trail, Ritchey Canyon Trail and Redwood Trail. Many of the single-track […]
Napa Trail Marathon, Half Marathon & 10k
March 19, 2019
NOSD Master Plan for Review
March 18, 2019
2019 Update to the Master Plan draft We are interested in receiving feed back on the Master Plan over the next five months. Please email info@napaoutdoors.org with any comments.
Planting seedlings at The Cove
March 12, 2019
Thank you to all the volunteers who came out to help plant seedlings at The Cove.
Current Board Agenda for 03 11 2019 NCRPOSD Meeting
March 7, 2019
agenda packet 20190311
Geology Hike – Robert Louis Stevenson State Park
February 25, 2019
The geology hike at Mt. Saint Helena was a success! We learned about the formation of the mountain, the vacant mines, revived Robert Louis Stevenson’s encounters at the mountain, and it snowed! Hope to see you next month for the Wildflower hike at Oat Hill Mine Trail- March 16th @10:00!
Napa’s Ridge Trail still taking shape after 30 years
February 13, 2019
A handful of outdoor enthusiasts gathered in Napa County’s Skyline Wilderness Park almost 30 years ago to celebrate the hoped-for birth of a local Bay Area Ridge Trail building binge. The Bay Area Ridge Trail is to be a continuous 550-mile trail ringing the nine-county Bay Area, a kind of mini, regional version of the […]
Snow at Robert Luis Stevenson State Park
February 11, 2019
Photographs via NorCal Wild are taken by Jerry Dodrill
Supporters of Napa Valley’s historic Bale Grist Mill hopes to rebuild 36-foot wheel
February 10, 2019
….“There used to be mills in Yountville, in Calistoga, and up in Chiles Valley,” Grassi said. “All those are gone. This is the only one that’s survived, which makes it special. … It’s a treasure to have here, so we need to be good stewards and protect it for future generations.”… Click here to continue […]
Environmental Education Coalition Open House – February 12th
February 10, 2019
Join us at the Environmental Education Open House this week! Our naturalists will be there representing NOSD and sharing environmental education opportunities–such as FREE field trips(bus included), summer camps, community events, junior ranger programs, themed hikes, restoration projects, and more! February 12th from 4 – 5:30pm Also, learn about other organizations, activities, and partnerships that […]