About The District

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About the Napa County Regional Park and Open Space District

In November of 2006 Napa County voters approved Measure I establishing the Napa County Regional Park and Open Space District. The District is authorized to protect and preserve natural areas, wildlife habitat and other open space resources, and to plan, improve and operate a system of public parks, trails, outdoor recreational facilities, and outdoor science and conservation education programs. Its jurisdiction includes all of Napa County.

The District is governed by a Board of Directors whose members are directly elected by the public in each of five wards. Ward boundaries coincide with the County’s Board of Supervisors’ districts. Ward boundaries and a full map of all District Wards can be found here.

Funding for the District currently comes from a mix of program income and a share of the County of Napa’s transient occupancy tax as set by the Board of Supervisors. The District is also empowered to obtain grants, accept gifts, and collect fees for services provided. Subject to voter approval, the District is authorized to raise revenues through some types of property assessments and taxes.

The District has no power to regulate private land use, is subject to all applicable city and county regulations, and may only acquire property from willing sellers.

For more information about our work, please contact us here. A full board and staff directory is available here.

Napa County Regional Park and Open Space District LogoAbout Our Work

Since our inception in 2006, the Napa Open Space District has protected more than 5,000 acres of watersheds, forests and other open spaces, built and now operates Ecocamp Berryessa as a youth outdoor education camp, and constructed and/or operates over 75 miles of recreational trails. The District also manages and provides recreational access to another 8,000 acres of open space owned by other agencies, including three State Parks within Napa County.  The District also sponsors numerous outdoor community events and educational programming for youth.

Explore our website and learn about local parks and trails for every interest and ability level, find out how you can get involved through community events and volunteerism, or become a supporter and help us do even more through the ReLeaf Napa Fund.

Contact us for more details about parks, programming, or events.