ParksRX Green Friday – November 29, 2019

November 4, 2019

Free activities throughout Napa County parks!

Pioneer History

October 18, 2019

In the past millers, preachers, teachers, and survivors shared a common thread in the history of the Bale Grist Mill and Bothe-Napa Valley State Park. Discover their connection on this hike and learn a bit about natural history, too! You will be led by a park naturalist to the pioneer cemetery and the site of […]

Ridge Trail Day 2019

October 16, 2019

The Ridge Trail turned 30, so get Dirty!  On Saturday, November 2, hundreds of volunteers will join the Bay Area Ridge Trail Council, REI Co-op, and our park and non-profit partners for the 12th annual Ridge Trail Day to celebrate and give back to the trail we love! Volunteers will repair trail tread, build drainage […]

October 14, 2019 Regular Meeting Packet

October 9, 2019

Agenda packet 20191014

Hazardous Fire Weather – Park Closures

October 8, 2019

Due to forecast hazardous fire conditions over the next several days the Napa Open Space District has issued the following closures: Moore Creek Park (Moore Creek and Lake Hennessey Units) – Closed on Wednesday October 9th and Thursday October 10th. Oat Hill Mine Trail – Closed on Wednesday October 9th and Thursday October 10th. At […]

Hazardous Fire Weather – Park Closures

September 23, 2019

As of 11 AM on Wednesday September 25th, all of our parks and trails are once again open.   Due to red flag fire conditions declared early this week by CalFire and the National Weather Service the Napa Open Space District has issued the following closures: Moore Creek Park (Moore Creek and Lake Hennessey Units) – […]

PUC Partners with the Napa Open Spaces District on 35 Miles of Local Trails. Bay Area Ridge Trail Extends Three Miles.

August 28, 2019

For years, the trails of Pacific Union College’s forested lands have been known mostly by word of mouth; even students at the college were sometimes unaware of the college’s 35 miles of recreational trails through over 1,000 acres of rich biodiversity and striking beauty. Now, thanks to a new trail license agreement between PUC, the […]