Celebrate Napa History at Old Mill Days
October 9-10, 2021
Join our annual celebration and experience a taste of what life was like here in the 1800’s. At Old Mill Days people can visit the mill and experience the shared hard work and resulting sense of community when they try some traditional farm chores: woodworking, corn husking and shelling, wheat threshing, butter making, apple pressing, hand sewing, bean seed shelling or rope making.
Many artisans will be present who enjoy sharing their craft with others: lacemaking, wheat weaving, and thread spinning. Musicians will gather under the great oak trees and play old-time music all day. Volunteers dress in mid 1800’s period attire adding to the “living history” experience.
$5 per person. Children under 6 free.
Masks required indoors and while participating in activities.
Saturday October 9/Sunday October 10
10:00am – 2:00pm
Bale Grist Mill State Historic Park
3369 St Helena Hwy N, St. Helena
Bale Grist Mill web page with maps and directions