The Napa Open Space District continues to connect children with the outdoors. In addition to providing environmental field trips throughout the school year, the NOSD outdoor education program extends into the summer months with summer camps! These exciting summer camps connect children to the Napa Valley’s natural (and historical) parks through hands-on learning and exploration. Activities for camp include hiking, swimming, group games, primitive skills, canoeing, crafts, and more!
Camp Osprey
Camp Osprey at EcoCamp Berryessa is a 3-day 2-night outdoor adventure camp for ages 9-13. This 3-day camp has many adventurous activities packed into a short time, such as kayaking/canoeing, learning survival skills, creating nature art, night hiking, star gazing, campfire activities, team building challenges, outdoor cooking, and group games.
EcoCamp Berryessa is a group environmental education camp located within a small cove on the peaceful northern shoreline of Lake Berryessa. Campers sleep on bunk beds in tent cabins, and enjoy waking up to views of the lake and the wildlife that surrounds it. Camp Osprey will be held on June 25 – June 27, 2020. The cost to attend Camp Osprey is $325.
Camp Calypso
Camp Calypso, named after the orchid flower that grows under California’s costal redwoods, is a summer day camp where 8-12 year olds to experience “life through time” in the Napa Valley. Campers explore the natural world and discover organisms small and large who live in the forest of Bothe-Napa Valley State Park. A hike over to the Bale Grist Mill Historic Park provides a peak into life as pioneer, campers will have the opportunity to dress up and reenact living in the mid 1800’s by participating in common chores, such as: wheat winnowing, butter churning, woodworking, apple pressing and rope making. Ending the week with the present life focusing on ways to help improve nature and enjoy an outdoor lifestyle. Campers build confidence and self-reliance through a one-night campout. Campers set up tents, participate in campfire activities, go on a night hike, roast s’mores, and practice outdoor skills. Camp Calypso will take place August 3-7, 2020, drop off and pick-up will be at Bothe-Napa Valley State Park. The camp runs from 9 AM-4 PM with after care available. Each day will include craft activities/group games, hiking, and swimming in the spring fed swimming pool.
Junior Counselor Leadership Program
Junior Counselor opportunities are available for older youth between the ages of 13 and 17 at Camp Calypso. The Junior Counselor Leadership Program provides older youth with opportunities to develop important professional and life skills. Under adult staff supervision, Junior Counselor’s guide and mentor Camp Calypso Campers, by helping lead their daily adventures, setting up for activities, assisting in food preparation during the overnight stay, and other tasks as assigned. Junior Counselors must apply and attend a one-day training prior to camp to familiarize junior counselors with the camp location, learn about their duties, and get to know fellow junior counselors and supervising adult counselors.
Registration for all Napa Open Space District Summer Camps is available at www.napaoutdoors.eventbrite.com
For scholarships, Jr. Counselor applications, and more information regarding these camps visit www.napaoutdoors.org/summercamp/