Volunteer at Your Local State Parks
The Napa Open Space District operates the three local State Parks in Napa County (Bothe-Napa Valley State Park, the Bale Grist Mill, and Robert Louis Stevenson State Park) and we’d love to have your help to maintain and improve them!
We have a variety of volunteer activities throughout the year and have tasks and projects for almost any personality type in the parks. Whether you’re looking to volunteer doing trail inspection and maintenance, want to help support our historical events like Old Mill Days, want some light gardening in the Native American Plant Garden, or want to help be a docent at the visitor center or the mill, we have volunteer roles to fit!
Read through the brief descriptions below for some ideas about what areas we need volunteers for currently, and if you have questions or would like more information we’ll be glad to talk further. Please fill out the volunteer form below and we’ll be in touch to get you involved!
Volunteer Roles at Napa State Parks:
~ Docent, Visitor Center at Bothe-Napa Valley SP: Help staff supplement operating hours at the visitor center, gardening work in the Native American Plant Garden, supporting special events at the park, participating in or leading garden walks, and more!
~ Docent, Bale Grist Mill: Help with operating hours at the mill, landscaping and grounds maintenance, special event support (Old Mill Days/Old Mill Holidays)
~ Trails Volunteer: Help scouting and maintaining trails (vegetation clearing, signage inspection, trail improvement), join in regular trail volunteer projects, assist staff with visitor orientation.
~ Camp Host at Bothe-Napa Valley State Park or Bale Grist Mill State Historic Park (3 month commitment, RV/Trailer site with hookups)
Please fill out the volunteer form below and we’ll be in touch soon! If you have questions or would like more information about any of the volunteer options, you can email us at Jason.Jordan@countyofnapa.org.